Bigpuffer Reacts to Fan Animations!
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Animator (give them some love): @MattercellEntertainment
Videos: • SMii7Y Animated - Goin...
• SMii7Y Animated - Hamb...
• SMii7Y Animated - Frog...
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Outro Song (old song got claimed): • Get Puffer'd (Music Vi...
#Bigpuffer #BigpufferReddit #RedditReview Игры
Ayy thanks for sharing my animations! :D
There's another one I've got coming up soon that features you especially.
lets go
yey frog house
U have the best animated keep it up
keep it up bro! you got some good skill.
EYYYY Happy your getting recognized Duder
If there is a piece of art I regret bringing into this world then it is definitely 7:02. It was straight up my sleep paralysis demon for like a week.
This was the best 1
That surprise and hate in his eyes, I’ve seen her it before… I too made something that made him surprised and hateful…
Amazing art indeed.
The first one i skip to are you fucking serious lmao
sleep paralysis demon? that's gonna be going in my spank bank.
3:25 I actually used to go by just Pufferfish for awhile, because pufferfish are the best fish
YES! This dude needs more subs. his skill in animation is top tier lolz.
His skill in editing is professionally god tier but his gaming skills.....we not gon talk about 😂
Oh wow here early and that intro is a certified hood classic
A fan made that one
Music source?
well i got here late
Puffer: "Hold on, wait, I've got to sneeze. Hold on, wait."
Puffer's body: *burps*
Puffer: "That's not a sneeze."
Man's body playing tricks on him XD
Time stamp; 2:21.
That ain't a sneeze
Honestly, the fanart is my favorite part, so many talented artists in this community! ❤
5:15 Heck Yeah, Puffer!
Puffer talking about being called Conner is on the same level as high school teachers getting upset about being called their first name
Thanks for adding my art in the vid. I had so much fun drawing the cursed screenshots. Keep the good work up man 👊
I was waiting for one of the guys to react to those animations they are fire
11:14 why does he look like the ice age baby
Man, i started watching your videos after i started watching Smii7y and i saw ya, you are one of the top youtubers i watch now. You make me laugh and make my day better from anything honestly. Keep up the hard work mate. I love your videos. Have a fantastic day.
4:38 u do now! Lol.
4:34 bro really sounded confident in that answer.
Medicine ad: "Don't take this of allergic to this medicine or any of its ingredients. Side effects may include headache, nausea, vomiting, stroke, or even death."
The people in the commercial: 0:03.
name of this song? 0:03
“There’s no way you can even do that”. Sure puffer…..sure puffer , last night just didn’t happen 😂
im just here to be appreciated by puffer, i watch the stream too, but the meme says he appreciates me more if im here instead
I'm just gonna point out that Puffer missed out on the opportunity to call it Fanimations and it would've been 1000 times better
Looks like twich chat is the hated child and RUclips viewiers is the favorite child that's crazy 😂
I watch those shorts all the time, always make me laugh!
I still cant get over how Matt (Blarg) is just a Potato in those animations lol
You gotta love the fact that he used Nintendo Wii music. Absolute legend.
4:09 that is big brain puffer
9:16 this is like if someone met DanTDM and called him Daniel.
Man. If only he showed him reacting to the whole videos.
7:21 another meme in the Reddit reaction! Hell yeah
Glad to be part of the RUclips group and not be the one being yelled at in the twitch chat
Puffer kinda respectable when he’s not yelling at uno
loved the part where bigpuffer reacted to fan animations, truly the video of all time
The fanart at 10:40 had a left hand for a right hand
01:31 Matt the potato
Yo 9:38 that armor looks like a set of spartan armor from halo It looks so good
11:14 Hi past Zohan, congratz making it to the stream!
I laughed like Schlatt when he popped out his shoes for us to see.
Damn dawg “puffer and stuff her” is a funny one
I saw my name 7 times in the video hype
"no we dont play minecraft" that aged well
I appear to have found a wild protogen
The picture makes actually look like megamind but if he was a human and streamer
.... me and my grindr date was gonna put on a youtube playlists as we did the thing but he saw ur vid on my recommended and apperently we both watch ur content soooo thanks puffer
love how he likes RUclips more than chat lol 😂
Oh man thank you for sharing my art 😭❤
still love how his little reddit jingle sounds like him about to violently burst into tears
1:52 It's a little late for that warning puffer.
Yo have a great Taste my friend😅
That shoulder movement though damn puffer
6:31 I'll take the complement
I have watched these before and was waiting for someone to make a video out of it
5:17 thanks man💙
5:09 ayyyyy whattupp
"No, we don't play minecraft."
7 months later.
"Alright chat. We're gonna be playing Minecraft Chaos Mod."
The puffer and stuff her is a working fact for the boys I recommend 😂
Love ya too champ
Puffer after Grizxy buys him back in the buy station 6:16
11:02 is that a rabbids crossover?
6:43 all I heard was gim- and then inreal editors for Fortnite 😂
happy Halloween Puffer! hope you have a good one, thanks for making content that makes my day better
8:28 it says stream under the bolded words my dude lmao
Bro Infinity Puffer looks sick!!!
I wonder if his neighbours considered calling the fire dep when puffer yelled "FIIIRREEEEEE"
9:36 If puffer ever gets a fortnite skin. It hassss to be this. It’s so dope
Yo, I'm still shaky, I will try to finsih that fanart soon as possible! Love your content man!
Thanks Puffer, we like you too! 👍
11:45 : "HEHEHE"
He has the tucking shoes 😂😂
5:09 Thanks man :3
grass. [ grăs ] Any of a large family (Gramineae or Poaceae) of monocotyledonous plants having narrow leaves, hollow stems, and clusters of very small, usually wind-pollinated flowers. Grasses include many varieties of plants grown for food, fodder, and ground cover. Wheat, maize, sugar cane, and bamboo are grasses.
5:03 Straight Fax!!
This didn't have many view before but suddenly it's gotten more. I'm glad!
Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border? Walked right into that imperial ambush,like us and that thief over there
2:21 Grizzy literally did this exact thing (the sneeze -> burp) in his little nightmares video and i find it ironic that he was looking at puffizy while almost exactly copying one of grizzy's clips
Changed my playlist pic to puffer straight away 😂
That outro is fire
Holy shit its megamind!!!
7:01 smash
love you Puffer 😍
Says who I’m definitely fuggin rn to a big puffer vid definitely not alone in my room watching this and wondering why I’m a lonely ass
At 9: 31 that armor looks like if puffer was a spartan from halo
4:15 big brain time
at 7:18 my grandma asked if I made that because "it's cute" XD
Oooo yes hahaha I’m so happy for this
I like the part where we reacted to fan animations
So we don't get to watch the first animation, we just get to watch him skip around? A'ight, time to go find the vid ig.
if you want to watch the animation go watch the animation, I linked them for a reason
@@Bigpuffer My b, I didn't see they were linked.
@@Slvt4Bread man’s hit you with the pufferfish stingers
Twitch chat be wylin 😂😂😂😂😂
Puffer: “I do my little dance”
imagine laying pipe while in the background just
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! [Desk Slam x5] my camera broke..."
7:12 Puffer to Grizzy
I actually have 😃
Puffer and mega mind is what that drawing looks like 😂
What if this video gets 50k would he do it again?
Didn’t expect my frog meme to be in here. XD
I once got down while watching a Jacksepticeye video some 4 years ago. So it's possible.
The only reason why puffer love us youtube viewers better than twitch viewers is because he can choose to ignore us and delete our comment
is it weird that your voice reminds me of Handsome Jack from Borderlands, cause i think its wicked my guy
Thank you fish man
Was waiting for one of em to react to mattercells work
Sick dance moves as always
Puffer: give me a minute
Yt: here's an ad meanwhile