
New Member
Nov 7, 2021
Can anyone give me save file for 0.97 v i accidentally deleted my game and it will be kind of you all if anyone can share me their save file for v 0.97 thank you


Aug 3, 2020
No, this update has many bugs, it is better to wait for the next one.
man i'm here for years and letme tell you, beggar don't fix bugs only make it worse, each update he chenge more of the previous thing then add new, he change a perfectily ok thing of the previous updates for other new that endup creating bugs,
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Dec 5, 2018
In case anyone have that bug where both Laura and the Pizza and the birthday event triggers at the same time, i had the same problem and ended up finding a way to solve it, so i might as well share what i did:

If you continue on the birthday stuff you will get locked. You can't access your bedroom, and even if you do with the bugfixer and you send Laura interacting with the home entrance door won't trigger the scene.

So what you can do to fix this; luckily game asks you to save just when the birthday event triggers, so use this save (and remember what day it is).
When you get teleported to mall to buy Sarah a gift, use bugfixer to tp back to your bedroom. From here you can continue on with the pizza stuff without problems.
You then play Laura a bit where you have to go to Kitchen, Amy's room (which reminds me she's not even there for the birthday, did beggar forgot her?), Sarah's room, lucy's room, living room and bank. Now the pizza stuff is done. Carefull, going to Laura's room when you play Laura triggers the Sarah/Laura Threesome immediately.

To get back to birthday event, i don't know if it's necessary but i cheated out the day and time to what it was before the pizza stuff (should be 11:00 am of whatever day you were on) and teleported back to the mall. From here you can buy Sarah's gift and proceed the birthday event normally.


Aug 15, 2018
Is it possible to trigger the girlfriend switch in the newer version by failing to save Sarah at the pool party? also what does it do? does it add more scenes to the game?


New Member
Mar 21, 2019
sorry to bother you guys but the icon for playing football does not appear on Saturday morning, anyone could help me please?


Jul 6, 2022
This game has so many errors because pictures or animations don't load that I just don't play it. That's why I am always asking for the updated gallery. Don't get me wrong, the game is ambitious, animations are great, and the story looks amazing, even the gameplay is nice... but the bugs and errors man...


New Member
Aug 30, 2021
I have problem with my Save he want me to go to the school and nothing happened i hope Anyone have the solution

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