Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

Queen Bogs

Not something to joke about, I guess, but I always read this as Tara Reid. I've always had a crush on her.
Maybe that's why all the dems and all the Hollywood women's rights advocates, and all the left-thinking women's organizations ignore her assertion that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her. They're betraying their inauthentic feelings as they relate to women and sexual assault because they're confusing her with the party girl. It's hard to discern who it's okay to sexually assault, in the view of these ding dong libbie liars. You just have to look to the sexual assault victims they ignore, if you want to crack their code. Generally, it's the ones that democrats assault - see the many victims of Bill Clinton 😳
Maybe that's why all the dems and all the Hollywood women's rights advocates, and all the left-thinking women's organizations ignore her assertion that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her. They're betraying their inauthentic feelings as they relate to women and sexual assault because they're confusing her with the party girl. It's hard to discern who it's okay to sexually assault, in the view of these ding dong libbie liars. You just have to look to the sexual assault victims they ignore, if you want to crack their code. Generally, it's the ones that democrats assault - see the many victims of Bill Clinton 😳

Along those thoughts, I never understood the Stormy Daniels thing. Honestly, if you took the money, shut up.
If there was intimidation in any way, that is a whole other thing.
Hasn't anyone seen similiarities exposing Similarities Between Joe Biden’s DNC Speeches In 2020 And 2008

Joe Biden Fails to Condemn Kenosha Riots; Calls Shooting ‘Systemic Racism’

Don Jr. Says Biden’s Economy Would Be ‘Designed To Crush’ American Workers


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Exhibit A: https://www.foxnews.com/us/minneapo...ayhem-erupts-following-gunmans-suicide-police

A freakin' GUNMAN ... shall we say --- a CRIMINAL who was being sought for an earlier slaying commits suicide ...
And right on cue, by the numbers --- the apparently requisite systemic arson, looting and destruction erupts into maximum overdrive instantly as if turned on by a single keystroke on a cellphone.

WHY? Not that it should matter, but the suicide did not even involve the Police. Yet all the arson-happy, looting-happy, destruction-happy, Democrat-enabled, Democrat-fueled, Democrat-condoned Riffraff needed was an atom-sized fabricated EXCUSE to engage in what they do best. By now it's like it's their job. They practically punch in at a time clock and then go to work --- go seek out areas to burn, loot and destroy.

Pretty soon the riffraff is going to start asking for benefits from their company (The Democrats) for all the hard, dirty work they do for them. "Heyyy! We want health insurance, life insurance, vacation, 401K ..."


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Pretty soon the riffraff is going to start asking for benefits from their company (The Democrats) for all the hard, dirty work they do for them. "Heyyy! We want health insurance, life insurance, vacation, 401K ..."
Aren't they asking for it now? Health insurance = healthcare for all; vacation = mandatory PTO; 401(k) = social security. Life insurance would be a new one.

The problem is the torching, destruction, and diversion of assets/resources needed to fund those particular items. Who will want to invest in areas subject to periodic disruption? It will be prohibitively expensive to insure and protect.

Try explaining to young adults why they have to pay for under- and uninsured motorists. "You're paying for someone else's right to drive without insurance. And, yes, you need to have it."

Queen Bogs

Hidin' Biden Wants to be "Law and Order Candidate" - sets about groping law enforcement.

Looks like Joe's about to find out what happens when his groping victim isn't a defenseless woman or child. Nice try, Joe. Everyone knows you lib-kitty fools hate the police, until you need them. 😸​


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Aren't they asking for it now? Health insurance = healthcare for all; vacation = mandatory PTO; 401(k) = social security. Life insurance would be a new one.
You missed the point. I meant asking for those things not as in regular people asking for that at a regular REAL job.
I meant 'The Democrats' Riffraff' asking for those benefits in their mafia-like side job of doing the Democrats' off the record dirty work of burning, looting, destroying and occupying cities.


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Hidin' Biden Wants to be "Law and Order Candidate" - sets about groping law enforcement.

Looks like Joe's about to find out what happens when his groping victim isn't a defenseless woman or child. Nice try, Joe. Everyone knows you lib-kitty fools hate the police, until you need them. 😸
😂 :ROFLMAO: That is hilarious! The Officer looks seriously shocked, like "What the fuck you think you're doing?"
Even the guy in the 2nd row there in the middle looks like, "Hmmmmm, let's see how this plays out."


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Anyway ....... Chicken, anyone?
Anyone care for some Biden Wings?


Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua!

While Biden himself might not have seen it himself, Pelosi and the rest of his string-pulling, policy-giving, script-giving, Biden-hiding, Biden-protecting Democrats obviously saw something in last night's RNC and specially in Pence's Ass-kicking performance that scared the shit out of them.

They no doubt saw Biden getting into some slow-moving nightmares from which he can neither defend himself nor the Democrat party.

As for Trump turning the debates into an exercise in skullduggery? WTF does Pelosi think the Democrat Presidential Candidates Debates were?

Connor Macleod

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We have been somewhat lenient with enforcement of the new rules. That stops now.
Biden and Sanders have a “unity”manifesto. It will reign terror on law enforcement and America.

Cotton: Biden Will Return US to 'Weak, Dangerous Past'

Peter Navarro: Biden Too Weak to Face China's Bullying

Fact Check: Biden claims no riots, no National Guard under Obama. Verdict: False. One word – Ferguson


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Biden and Sanders have a “unity”manifesto. It will reign terror on law enforcement and America.
WHEW! There is just sooo much in there on which to comment.
So I'll just sum it up like Joe Pesci's character Cousin Vinny said in the movie My Cousin Vinny when he woke up while in court. Not knowing what the Prosecution's Attorney had said while he was asleep, Cousin Vinny just went something like, "Your honor ... EVERYTHING he said is bullshit!" :ROFLMAO:

It's interesting on how many things they want federal funds granted under the condition that blah blah blah ...
Yet Democrats cried MURDER when Trump wanted to do his patriotic duty of blocking federal funds to the treasonous sanctuary cities. (aka Democrat Illegals' & Criminals' Stash Houses)

Death Penalties: Abolish the death penalty at the federal level; incentivize states to do the same thing.
Cuz we know how well THAT worked in Mexico.
Mexican cartels would probably move more of their operations to the USA now that they would know the Democrats have their back.
??? You lost me, Johan. What's your point?
His point was probably to show that America belongs to the country that still practice the death penalty and that is not human to practice the death penalty. In France, death penalty has been abolished by a socialist called Robert Badinter in 1981. It didn't make things better because in France even after a lifetime jail sentence, a criminal can be freed for good conduct and given second chance. Also given the fact that the Superior Council of the Magistracy in France is exclusively and solely composed of Red Judges (because they are all from the far left) and the judicial system in France is clearly leftist , justice in France does not really exist with multi-recidvist criminals. In the USA, death penalty is used in almost 35 states out of 50, it is better to use death penalty for serious criminals, gang members, child abusers, pedophiles, war criminals, terrorists, drug kingpins and mafiosi than not.


Closed Account
His point was probably to show that America belongs to the country that still practice the death penalty and that is not human to practice the death penalty. In France, death penalty has been abolished by a socialist called Robert Badinter in 1981. It didn't make things better because in France even after a lifetime jail sentence, a criminal can be freed for good conduct and given second chance. Also given the fact that the Superior Council of the Magistracy in France is exclusively and solely composed of Red Judges (because they are all from the far left) and the judicial system in France is clearly leftist , justice in France does not really exist with multi-recidvist criminals. In the USA, death penalty is used in almost 35 states out of 50, it is better to use death penalty for serious criminals, gang members, child abusers, pedophiles, war criminals, terrorists, drug kingpins and mafiosi than not.
I contemplated whether I had perhaps fucked up or was just missing something to connect the dots. I kept looking at the map over, over and over and its fine print, as well as my comment. But, I couldn't find anything off on my part. The only thing I could conclude was that maybe Johan had misunderstood my comment and thus replied in an odd manner. It puzzled me because I went, "As is ... that map is just helping MY cause."

It might not be humane to practice the death penalty ... but, is criminals killing humans humane ... and then adding insult to injury by getting to live?
We need the eye for an eye death penalty deterrent to help keep the criminals somewhat in check.

Mexico does not have the death penalty. Not surprisingly, it is a cluster fuck sewer fest of brutal hardcore crime, cartels, etc. because the bad guys know that no matter what absolute highest level of evil and brutality their crimes might be (beheadings, cutting off ears, slicing throats, chopping up bodies, etc.), they will absolutely NOT get the death penalty. That is why drug lord El Chapo Guzmán wanted nothing to do with being extradited to the USA.

And now Weak Biden and the Democrats want to implement Mexico's weak, shit for deterrent criminal-friendly system in the USA.

France sounds very Democrat. :eek:
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