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Episode 10 of The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses is a heartwarming and funny episode. It features some great character development for Mie and Komura, and it leaves viewers wanting more.
honestly at this point, I'm just ready for it to end. This hasn't been the worst thing I've ever watched at all, but it's pretty boring and the main premise of always forgetting a basic thing that a lot of people need is quite stupid. There's much better romance animes when compared to this.
Did you guys fucxing see that ep 11 preview???? I got chills lol
@saikyozero nope, I'm pretty sure that won't happen, they've been giving that same vibe from Ep 1 so don't give me hope.
It's like the whole world knows (they like each other) but they themselve don't :")
so the comment she makes about Komura doing her hair, was this her suggesting in the future they would be in the same house in the mornings, living together? or did i misread the subs? If so that a pretty big step up on her part.
so the comment she makes about Komura doing her hair, was this her suggesting in the future they would be in the same house in the mornings, living together? or did i misread the subs? If so that a pretty big step up on her part.
This ep reminded me of the times when I would ask to have a staring contest with a girl I liked in elementary school, and how I used it as an excuse just to look at her face more closely. Definitely brought some butterflies to the stomach XD
But Komura convincing himself that he's nothing special to Mie is so relatable, as he wonders if he's "allowed to think that he is someone special to her"...but clearly we can see that Mie has some sort of feelings for Komura, as she's attempting to spend more time with him than usual. And boy is Someya's nosiness getting in between Mie and Komura's relationship XD
finally we're seeing some development between komura and mei. mei is making her moves after realizing komura likes her(AFTER 9 EPISODES) but then that boy is oblivious to all of this. like how. just how. don't you like her? shouln't you be able to tell? both of you alone in a dark room with her holding your face 2 inches away from hers. damn. lets see what happens next episode
i wonder if the staff finally realized they were using the same establishing shot way too much it was one of my biggest annoyances next to Komura-kun seeing that same hallway shot with the kid running
like with Neko gohands other work this season they resuse the establishing shot but its static and has day and night version because most of the time the show takes place in a
as for the episode we are way past the are they even dating stage since everyone seems to think so gonna lose it if we dont get a confession soon "properly"
Mie getting very jealous in that first half.
Seems she is also getting an increasing obsession with looking at Komura's face all the time, very interesting way to go about it too.
Mie san is on the offensive while Komura kun is too dense to read her signals, no it's because he's in denial and always thinks lowly of himself. Stop putting yourself down, you've already bagged her. Mie san already knows Komura likes her from the previous episode.
Oh damn Mie is really going at it at this point. Getting an excuse for Komura to run his hands through her hair.
I could feel the awkwardness Komura must feel having Mie-chan being so up in his face and checking him out in a stare down almost. I mean sure it would be nice to gaze back but when she's looking so intensely i can understand why he'd be feeling embarrassed.
A bold Mie? Komura gets confused more and more, evenmore so for Someya misunderstanding that they kissed.
Feigning ignorance being sick, Mie still gets close to Komura and stares to him, and people are getting the wrong idea more and more. expected, Mie falls during P.E. class and Komura takes care of her as per usual. Mie's jelaousy that Komura is spending time with Someya is making her worry a fair bit, even more so without her glasses, that she wants to see him more. After cleaning the class, Mie unscrupulously gets her hair stuck on the closet, and Komura has to attempt to cut part of her hair to preserve the beauty of it.
Mie tying her hair, and she wants Komura to do it, he's never done that sort of thing before. But there's a first time for everything, and Komura's efforts turn out fine, though she wants more. Soon, it's the typical culture festival, and Mie wanting to be helpful, helps Komura with his work, though she fails as per the same, and wants him to find her when he has a break. But out of glue, Mie follows Komura alone and wants to have a look on his face, no matter what, in the art prep room.
At least Mie can't stop to be looking super duper cutie again with her change to be more clingy and very bold with all the hints toward that yelling dude. Wish him to stop being paranoid. But eh? Who knows what happens next, right? Let's just see it myself!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.
Was Fun To See Her Being Direct But Now Mc Is Annoying Me . Get On The Same Page Already . Well , Considering They In Middle School , He Gets A Pass On This One.
Komura is now convinced that Mie has overprotective parents, that she's a sheltered or "kept" girl. We're given a few clues to suggest this IS the case, that she's treated unfairly, that her curfew is irrationally strict, and that we really need to feel sympathy for her for this reason.
And yet... she's a free-range Tokyo Kid! At somewhere between 12 and 14 years old, she was trusted and allowed to travel all on her own to select (and ostensibly buy) a new pair of glasses for herself. This is a purchase that costs hundreds of US dollars (I won't try to convert this to Japanese Yen, also that doesn't matter at all) but apparently her parents don't feel any need to be involved in this process. They trust her to not only travel alone into the heart of some bustling, trendy part of Tokyo all by herself, but to pick out a pair of glasses that's not going to later reveal itself to be impractical/ridiculous/unexpectedly uncomfortable. That's a serious purchase, essentially a medical decision, and she's basically left to figure it out all on her own.
I don't buy that her parents have her on a short leash or have even accidentally given her any kind of guilt complex that leaves her a nervous wreck when faced with the possibility of stepping out her the boundaries they've set for her. There's just nothing here to meaningfully suggest that.
Someya is a fcking idiot. Why would she think that Komura & Mie would be kissing in a fcking classroom plus she must already know that they're too young for that shi.